Back some years, the titles of my drawings were just as important as the visions they conveyed, or so I thought. It wasn’t until my Marketing Guru brother suggested that I name the yet untitled piece the name of a frequently searched item on the internet. Hmmm, I thought. That was the basis for me naming one of my earlier pictures “Pieta”. It actually never increased sales but I thought an innovative, yet slightly sneaky way to get my art to the masses.
Fast forward to Autumn 2014 when I completed a picture of the coin operated binoculars onboard the Orient Point-New London Cross Sound Ferry. It was in need of a title but one just never came. When I dropped the picture off to have framed, still title-less, I needed to sign the matte… “Untitled #1” it became.
The instant I signed that matte I realized that I had to continue on a series of Untitled images. As they are completed, without much fanfare, I will post them. Here is Untitled #1.